Wednesday, August 12, 2009

The Last Chapter

The last few moments
or hours
or days
go by
like leaves of a book
caught in the wind
you want to read
and cherish every word
but come to"the end"
entirely too soon
and you are left

but thanking God
that in memory
you can reread
the whole thing
over again.


Mrs Buchanan said...

That is a great poem. I loved it!

Lib-Dawg said...

Natalie - great to see that you and some of your family blog...I'll be checking in. By the way your poetry is awesome. I'm always amazed at anyone who can write poetry.

jessica renae said...

i love this one - it made me think of leaving home. and almost made me cry by how well it fit what you feel in the little bit before you leave everything, although you were probably thinking of something different? :) anyway, i think i might write that one down on my little board. :)