Friday, April 16, 2010

summer reads

See these bookmarks? They need to be in books. Books of my choice. I've enjoyed a lot of the books I've read for my classes this semester, but there's something different about reading books of my own choosing. Today I took a large stack of books from my bookshelf and made a tower of summer-reads, which I'm really excited to get into considering the fact that I haven't read over half of the books that I own... I can't help it if I keep buying books before reading the ones I have; I love my growing library! It helped that a few years ago I worked at a place where I could buy books for $1 or $2 (believe me, I took advantage of that... often...)

I shouldn't even be thinking about this right now!! On top of the fact that I haven't even taken finals yet, I'm not going to have time to do personal reading until after spring semester in London (woo!) but I can't help but make a list so I can be prepared for actually having free time. :)

See right ----> for my summer reads list. What's on your list?


jessica renae said...

i think i need some cute bookmarks like this - i always just use folded sticky notes and napkins and tissues and other random things that are around...
also, i added a few to my list: skrewtape letters, and i thiiiink i might try jane eyre again... might.

Lib-Dawg said...

Love the new look to your blog. Natalie, I love reading your blog! Have fun in London...again, so jealous! ;)

P.S. I'm glad I'm not alone with buying all these books and not reading the ones I own. Blasted DI gets me everytime I step in the door.

Jessie J. - haven't been called that in a while have you? I do the same thing with bookmarks, and I'm a little shocked about the whole Jane Eyre. I would expect that you loved that book...maybe I'm being misunderstood by your comment?

Hailey Jo said...

I LOOOVE your blog!!! it makes me happy! :) haha my summer reading list keeps top ones I want to read are The Prince by Machiavelli, some of Plato's works, the Iliad, the Oddesy, Les Mis, The Count of Monte Christo...etc :)

carrie said...

A lot of those are on my list, too! And $1-$2 books are my friends too - thank you D.I.!!! :) Although I have officially run out of bookshelf room (again)... I need to get some giant ones.

I love the new look to your blog and your CUTE profile pic!!! xoxo

carrie said...

p.s. Jessi, pleeeeaaaaase try Jane Eyre again!!! It really is such a beautiful book and Jane is one of the most incredible and admirable characters in all of literature. :)

jessica renae said...

haha, libby and carrie! yes, it's on my list... i'm nervous. last time i tried to read it i think it gave me an emotional breakdown. but i'm in a better emotional state now, so maybe i'll be able to get through the whole thing :)

Anonymous said...

Natalie, you MUST read At Home in Mitford by Jan Karon. I know it is not at the top of the true classics list, but it is so lovely. I read it once and am now listening to it on cd, laughing out loud while I drive!
And Jessi, Jane Eyre makes you complete!!! It's her character!